Our mission is to be the premier personal development company that empowers clients to discover, experience, and share the fullest expression of who they are. We uphold the highest standards of excellence in our work, driven by a deep commitment to our employees, partners, and the transformative results we deliver.Our purpose is to foster a culture of continuous growth, mutual giving, and deep engagement. We believe that who we are and how we work together is just as important as the breakthroughs we help our clients achieve. By holding the consciousness of the entire organization, we are dedicated to enabling our clients to live their most fulfilling lives.

At Personal Best Seminars, we believe everyone deserves to live their best life. Our innovative and experiential workshops provide the guidance and leadership needed to help our clients gain lasting success in career, family, and relationships. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for that next breakthrough moment, our Core Program (Levels 1, Level 2, and Level 3), Creation Circles & Community Circle program, Mastery Meaning & Mission program, and Accountability Intensive are here to help take you from where you are now to your personal best self!



Heather Jones is an enthusiastic businesswoman, wife and mother who recently took ownership of Personal Best Seminars. Heather is the facilitator of the core programming, circles and coaching.

Personal Best Seminars has the pleasure of having Jay facilitate our upcoming Mastery, Mission and Meaning course in 2024.  Check out www.jayfiset.com to keep informed of Jay and his programs.

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