Terms & Conditions



Personal Best Seminars Website Terms and Conditions

Welcome to www.personalbestseminars.com. Your use of our website implies your agreement with the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you're not in agreement, please refrain from using the Site. We may change these Terms at any time, and we'll do our best to inform you of these changes through our website's notifications and emails to registered users. Check the date at the bottom of the page for the latest update. By continuing to use the Site after updates, you're saying "I agree" to the new terms.When we say "you" or "user," we're talking about anyone scrolling, clicking, or otherwise engaging with our Site. Please note that these Terms are specifically for navigating and using the resources on our Site, including any online materials for courses you've signed up for. However, they don't cover the specifics of any course content that you take, even if you signed up for it through our site.

About Personal Best Seminars

Our website is maintained by 2488334 Alberta LTD, known here as Personal Best Seminars. We're proudly based in Alberta, Canada.

Website Access

Come and visit our Site whenever you'd like. Keep in mind, this is a temporary invitation, and we might change how things work without a heads-up. Occasionally, we might need to limit access to parts of the Site, especially for users enrolled in our courses. Treat your passwords like diary keys—private and just for you. We might have to deactivate access codes or passwords if we think our Terms have been breached.Remember, if you continue to use www.personalbestseminars.com, you're automatically agreeing to these Terms of Use, and any changes we make when you do.

Personal Best Seminars Website Terms of Service


Welcome to personalbestseminars.com. Before you begin utilizing the website, we ask that you thoroughly review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accessing and using our website, you're acknowledging and agreeing to these Terms and our Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of the Terms, you should refrain from using this website. We occasionally update these Terms and will attempt to notify you through our website and email if you've registered for an account. Continued use of the site implies acceptance of the revised Terms. "You" refers to anyone who visits and uses our site.Last Modified Date of Terms is indicated at the end of this document.

Ownership and Operation

Our website, personalbestseminars.com, is run by 2488334 Alberta LTD, also known as Personal Best Seminars. Our company is incorporated in Alberta, Canada.

Website Access

We grant you temporary access to our site, which we may modify or discontinue at any point without notice. Access may occasionally be restricted to certain areas of the website, particularly for users enrolled in our courses. It's crucial that you keep your account passwords confidential and refrain from sharing them. We reserve the right to deactivate any account if it's believed there has been a violation of these Terms.

Terms of Use

Acceptance of Terms: By using personalbestseminars.com, you accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.Changes to Terms: We may update these terms without prior notice, and continued use of the site means acceptance of any new terms.Your Responsibility: Keep your login details confidential. If you expose or share them, we may deactivate your account.Temporary Access: We provide temporary access to our website, and we may restrict or terminate it at any time.Course Registrations: These terms do not apply to the actual courses you register for or participate in, only to your use of the website and course materials accessed through it.

User Conduct

Content from Third Parties


Our platform, personalbestseminars.com, serves as a hub for materials provided by us, Personal Best Seminars, as well as other external contributors and our visitors. We do not pre-screen or exclusively curate these contributions; therefore, the viewpoints, insights, advice, services, offers, and information are owned by their original creators, not Personal Best Seminars.

Disclaimer of Control

We want to clarify that Personal Best Seminars does not endorse or assume responsibility for the thoughts or information shared by third-party entities or users of the website. We cannot vouch for the authenticity, completeness, or practicality of any content sourced from third parties, nor do we promise that it's suitable for any particular purpose or holds commercial value.

International & Australian Users

For users accessing our platform from places outside Australia, understand that there are no assurances regarding the precision or utility of third-party content. This also includes its non-commercial nature or general inappropriateness for any specific aim.However, for those visiting from within Australia, we equally disclaim any guarantees related to the third-party content's accuracy or usefulness.

External Links

You may encounter hyperlinks that connect our site to external websites across the internet; these are outside Personal Best Seminars' jurisdiction and are not managed by us. It's important to note that such links don't necessarily signal our endorsement of those external sites.

Responsibility for External Sites

Personal Best Seminars doesn't shoulder the obligation to oversee said external websites. By agreeing to our terms, you acknowledge that we aren’t answerable for any external content, nor the potential issues that may arise from your interaction with third-party sites or hyperlinks. Should you create a link to our site from another platform, we expect you to remove it promptly upon our written request should we object.

Account Termination

Access Conditions

Your use of the personalbestseminars.com website is contingent on our authorization. We retain the authority to discontinue your access at any instance, with or without prior notice. This could arise if you fail to adhere to our terms or for reasons that may not be disclosed.

Approach to Violations

Although our preference is to address inappropriate behavior by suggesting corrective actions, we are not devoted to constantly monitoring such activities or obliged to notify you beforehand.

Legal and Equitable Remedies

We reserve the right, which is fully and expressly acknowledged by Personal Best Seminars, to employ legal or equitable remedies should your access to the site terminate. Following any such termination, you are bound to discontinue any future attempts to access personalbestseminars.com.By using this website, you consent to these terms, ensuring a safe and respectful experience for all users. Thank you for choosing to engage with Personal Best Seminars.

Intellectual Property Rights

All the content on our site – it could be trademarks, logos, images, or text (collectively, "Materials") – are owned by Personal Best Seminars. They're safeguarded by copyright and intellectual property laws. If you contribute content to our site ("Submissions"), they're not considered as Materials but still have some important restrictions.The Materials are valuable assets to us, representing not just significant investment but also the reputation and credibility of Personal Best Seminars.

Your Usage Rights

You're welcome to view Materials on your device, and even download or print them if:

You keep all copyright and trademark notices intact.Use them purely for your personal, non-commercial purposes.

Be aware, if you don’t follow our terms, we'll need to revoke your access rights immediately and without notice.


What you can't do with our Materials:

Modify or change them in any way.Share, distribute, or broadcast them without our explicit permission.Use them in a way that could undermine their proprietary status.

For example, you can't include our Materials in any form in your seminars, workshops, or business activities without getting the green light from us in writing.

Reusing Materials

Even if you got our permission to use certain Materials or Submissions in the past, you’ll need to get our approval again each time you want to use them.


Just to be clear, unless it’s explicitly stated otherwise, you don't have any ownership, license, or other interests in our Materials or any Submissions from others on the site.

After Termination

If your permission to use the site and its contents is ever revoked, you agree to promptly discard any Materials you've downloaded or printed from personalbestseminars.com.We're committed to making our terms user-friendly. Still, remember using our site means accepting these conditions, so please respect our rules to ensure we can keep sharing valuable content with you.

Intellectual Property Rights & Claims of Infringement

If you hold copyright or represent the owner and find that our Site hosts content that infringes on your copyrights, take action by submitting a notice of infringement to us. Here's what you'll need to provide in your written notice (for legal accuracy, reference Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA):

An authorized individual's physical or digital signature.A list identifying the work(s) claimed to be infringed.Details of the allegedly infringing content, including URLs for quick reference.Contact information for us to reach out to you, such as an email address or phone number.A statement of good faith belief that the disputed use is not permitted by the copyright owner or law.A declaration, under the penalty of perjury, that your notification is accurate and that you're authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Please direct your infringement notification to our official contact at: admin@personalbestseminars.com

User Content Submission Guidelines

When you upload or submit content to our Site, you affirm that it's neither offensive nor illegal, and you accept all liability if it's found otherwise. You also confirm that you either own the copyright to the content or have obtained permission from the rightful owner.Content you submit to us is not confidential and grants us the freedom to use, share, and disclose to third parties for any purpose. By uploading content, you renounce any moral rights or claims to the content's integrity. Should your content be implicated in infringement claims by third parties, we reserve the right to reveal your identity.We are not accountable for the content's accuracy or third-party reactions to your submissions. Our Site's administrators may remove any content at their discretion.

Submission Guidelines for Our Website

Uploading Your Work

When you decide to upload anything to our website – we call them "Submissions" – you promise us a couple of things. First, that your Submissions aren't going to be harmful, defamatory (that means damaging to someone’s good reputation), or against the law. And just in case there’s a problem because that’s not true, you agree to protect us from any harm that might come from that promise not being true.You also promise that anything you upload, you either own it outright or you’ve got the okay from whoever does to share it on our site. That's about copyrights, and it's pretty important.

Rights and Uses

When you upload something to our website, basically, you're allowing everyone to see it, and you're okay with us and others using it. That might include copying it, sharing it – you get the picture. Also, you agree that if someone says your Submission is stepping on their toes (legally speaking), we can tell them who you are.We are not responsible for the accuracy of what you post, nor do we have to answer for it if someone else has an issue with the contents. Also, if we see a Submission that we think isn't right for our website, we can take it down whenever we choose.

Communication for Course Participants

Any formal info we need to give you will come via email. Send an email at admin@personalbestseminars.com if you wish to update any personal information. Entire Agreement; Severability; No Unintentional WaiverThese Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Personal Best Seminars regarding the use of this Site and supersede any prior agreements or understandings between you and Personal Best Seminars. If any part of these Terms of Use is found to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by a court or regulator, then, where required, that part shall be deleted from the Terms of Use and the remaining parts of the Terms of Use will continue to be enforceable.No Third Party BeneficiariesYou acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use shall in no event be construed as a third party beneficiary contract, and that it is not intended for the benefit of any person or company whomsoever except the parties hereto.AssignmentPersonal Best Seminars may assign any or all of its rights and obligations hereunder to any party without the prior consent of or notice to you.

Liability Limitations

While diligent efforts have been made in the creation of this website, it's important to acknowledge that the content found here is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice of any kind – be it medical, legal, psychological, therapeutic, religious, or other specialized fields. Should you need expert guidance, we strongly advise consulting with professionals such as physicians, therapists, clergy members, business consultants, attorneys, financial experts or any relevant experts to assess the specific information, viewpoints, or suggestions provided on our site.The website and all its contents and services are offered strictly for informational purposes, and everything provided on or through it comes on an "as is" basis without warranties of any nature. We hereby fully disclaim, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all guarantees, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including but not restricted to, guarantees of merchantability, fitness for a particular intent, and non-infringement of rights.Personal Best Seminars also waives any claims regarding safety, reliability, promptness, and performance of the services provided. Furthermore, we also disclaim responsibility for any other services or goods that may be received through this site or its linked content, including any information or advice.By using the products and services provided, you acknowledge and accept that any material obtained is at your own choice and risk, and that you will be entirely accountable for any resultant harm to your computer system or data loss.Under applicable law, Personal Best Seminars will not be held liable for any user's usage or reliance on our website, or its associated products and services. We emphasize that limitations of liability are in place to prevent any claims for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, and punitive damages (regardless if Personal Best Seminars was made aware of potential damages). These limitations apply to damages arising from the utilization or misuse of, and reliance on the website, from an inability to use the site, or from the termination of service, including from services or goods received through such as site or through links provided on the website, and likewise from information or advice received through the site or any related links.

Terms of Use and Warranties – Australia/New Zealand

Warranties for Site Access from Australia and New Zealand

For Australian Users:

The standard warranties typically provided may be inapplicable when you access this Site from Australia. Instead, your access is governed by the Australian Consumer Law, which provides certain warranties that are not excludable by agreement.

For New Zealand Users:

If you're accessing this Site from New Zealand, the general warranties may not be applicable to you. You might have entitlements under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 ("CGA"). Please note that our Site is not accessible for commercial use without express written permission from Personal Best Seminars. If you're using the Site for personal use, the CGA may apply in line with these Terms of Use.

Site and Service Availability

As a user, you recognize that Personal Best Seminars gives no guarantees regarding the uninterrupted availability of the Site and accepts no responsibility for any periods of unavailability, whatever the cause. We will not be liable for any losses you might incur as a result of Site downtime.

Content Access

When accessing content from Personal Best Seminars and any third parties, you are doing so in agreement with these terms.

General Disclaimer

Personal Best Seminars does not claim to offer professional advice of a medical, psychological, therapeutic, religious, or any other professional nature. We advise seeking the opinion of qualified professionals for evaluation of any specific details, opinions, or advice found on the Site.

As Provided Services

"AS IS"— this Site and its services are offered without any form of warranty, except those specified by law. Personal Best Seminars rejects all warranties related to services or goods linked through the Site or for any information received via these links.

Downloading Material

You accept that downloading material or otherwise engaging with our services is at your sole discretion and risk, barring any statutory guarantees that cannot be excluded.

Consumer Guarantees

Our goods are provided with guarantees that are mandatory under the Australian Consumer Law or the CGA, dependent on whether you are situated in Australia or New Zealand. You have the right to either a refund or a replacement for significant failure, and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. Should the goods be of unacceptable quality and not be considered a major failure, you are entitled to repairs or a replacement.For any concerns regarding our goods or services, please direct your inquiries to admin@personalbestseminars.com and include a detailed description of the issue.


Your use of this Site signifies your agreement to indemnify and protect Personal Best Seminars, its affiliates, and their personnel from any claims and expenses arising from your use of the Site, including legal fees.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is of utmost importance. We collect certain Personal Data from our Users with the utmost respect for privacy and data protection laws. The types of Data collected include:·       First name·       Last name·       Phone number·       Address·       Email address·       Usage Data·       Tracker·       Various types of Data as specified in the privacy policyFull details and specific types of Data collected are provided within our comprehensive Privacy Policy.

Terms and Conditions of Sales

Product Description

Product descriptions, pricing, and availability are subject to change without notice.The purchasing process includes selection, verification, and submission of orders.

Order Submission

Upon submission, users:·       Agree to pay the price, taxes, and possible additional fees.·       If required, will provide personal information, data, or specifications.·       Will receive an order receipt via email.

Prices and Payment

Users will be informed about all applicable fees before order submission. Prices are displayed perhaps exclusive/inclusive of taxes and costs based on the section browsed. Payment methods available are subject to additional conditions or fees.

Offers, Discounts, Coupons

The Owner may offer promotions subject to eligibility criteria and terms. Discounts are at the Owner's discretion and may have time-based or quantity-based limitations.Coupons are bound by conditions stated in the corresponding information page or on the Coupon itself. Users are not entitled to credits or compensation for any differences in the value of the Coupon and the redeemed value.

Methods of Payment

Payment methods accepted are displayed during the purchasing process and are processed through third-party services. The website does not collect payment information directly.DeliveryDelivery of digital contentUnless otherwise stated, digital content purchased on this Website is delivered via download on the device(s) chosen by Users.Users acknowledge and accept that in order to download and/or use the Product, the intended device(s) and its respective software (including operating systems) must be legal, commonly used, up-to-date, and consistent with current market-standards.Users acknowledge and accept that the ability to download the purchased Product may be limited in time and space. Performance of servicesThe purchased service shall be performed or made available within the timeframe specified on this Website or as communicated before the order submission. Contract durationSubscriptionsSubscriptions allow Users to receive a Product continuously or regularly over time. Details regarding the type of subscription and termination are outlined below. Fixed-term subscriptionsPaid fixed-term subscriptions start on the day the payment is received by the Owner and last for the subscription period chosen by the User or otherwise specified during the purchasing process.Once the subscription period expires, the Product shall no longer be accessible. Automatic renewal of fixed-term subscriptionsSubscriptions are automatically renewed through the payment method that the User chose during purchase.The renewed subscription will last for a period equal to the original term. TerminationSubscriptions may be terminated by sending a clear and unambiguous termination notice to the Owner using the contact details provided in this document, or — if applicable — by using the corresponding controls inside this Website.If the notice of termination is received by the Owner before the subscription renews, the termination shall take effect as soon as the current period is completed. Personal Best Seminars Transfer & Cancellation PolicyYour registration applies to the specific course, dates, and location you have chosen. All payments are non-refundable. If for some reason you cannot attend the course for which you registered, you may:Transfer Your RegistrationTransfers are available only when program tuition is paid in full. You may apply this payment to another course or person subject to the following guidelines:Transferring to Another CourseYou can transfer your registration one time to the same course on another date or at another location with these guidelines:

The fee for each transfer will be $50. The transfer fee will be waived if the transfer is to an earlier date.Your request for a transfer needs to be made at least 14 days prior to the start date of the program for which you originally registered and will be granted subject to availability.You can transfer only into a course that occurs within four months from the start date of the program for which you originally registered.If you registered for a program with a discounted tuition, you may transfer one time and retain the discounted tuition rate.

Note: If there is a bonus course included with you Level 1 tuition and transfers for this seminar are not available. For more information, contact admin@personalbestseminars.comTransferring to Another PersonYou may request that your registration be transferred to another person by contacting your admin@personalbestseminars.com. Transferring online to another person is not available. Note the following:

Transferring to another person is contingent on the person having completed any prerequisites for the program and meeting other applicable registration requirements.Your request for a transfer to another person needs to be made at least 14 days prior to the start date of the program for which you originally registered and will be granted subject to availability.You can transfer your registration to another person only for a course that occurs within four months after the start date of the program for which you originally registered.

Cancel Your RegistrationAll payments are non-refundable unless you cancel within 3 business days starting from the day you register. If you have registered for a program that is scheduled to begin within 14 business days after the day you receive this notice, your cancellation period ends when the program starts. You may re-register for the same course within one year of the date of your original registration. A $50 administrative fee will be applied. To cancel you simply must notify admin@personalbestseminars.com in writing.If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, or if we can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact admin@personalbestseminars.com

Data Processing

Personal Data Processing

The Owner takes steps to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of User Data, processing it with IT tools that correlate to the purposes indicated. Data retention will be as long as necessary for the purposes collected, legal obligations, or based on User consent.Users can request detailed information about data processing, retention, and their data rights from the Owner at any time.

Contact Information

We welcome all your questions, comments, or any notices regarding the Personal Best Seminars Site or these Terms of Use. Please communicate your concerns to us through the following channel:Personal Best Seminars c/o 2488334 Alberta LTDEmail: admin@personalbestseminars.comEnsure to keep all correspondence in writing for clear communication.


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