Unleash your True Self at Personal Best Seminars!

Unleash your True Self at Personal Best Seminars!

Personal Best Seminars - Core Program

This is the first step to lasting self transformation and it involves recognizing our current belief system, both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Participants spend 3 evenings plus 2 weekend days, creating AWARENESS of what’s getting in the way for LASTING change.

Now that we have a better understanding of our current state, the next step is to apply ourselves to make the necessary changes.

With the new awareness, participants spend 5 days having an APPLICATION experience in and out of the classroom.

The final step to lasting self transformation is to make the changes a part of your daily life. This involves creating habits that will help maintain new, supportive belief systems.

New habits and thought patterns are put into your everyday life over this 3 month


This is the first step to lasting self transformation and it involves recognizing our current belief system, both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Participants spend 3 evenings plus 2 weekend days, creating AWARENESS of what’s getting in the way for LASTING change in your life.

Now that we have a better understanding of our current state, the next step is to apply ourselves to make the necessary changes.

With the new awareness, participants spend 5 days having an APPLICATION experience in and out of the classroom.

The final step to lasting self transformation is to make the changes a part of your daily life. This involves creating habits that will help maintain new, supportive belief systems.

New habits and thought patterns are put into your everyday life over this 3 month INTEGRATION process.

Awareness + Application + Integration = LASTING CHANGE

Want to Learn More about our Level 1 Program?

Discover the keys to unlocking your true self in our transformation workshop.

Watch our Introductory Series and learn all about Personal Best and our Level 1 Program.

Your facilitator, Heather Jones, will walk you though the process of course and answer all your questions!

OR Join us LIVE online Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 7:00 pm MDT

At Personal Best Seminars, we believe in empowering our clients to make their own choices. Our aim is to show you what our programs are all about so you can decide if it's the right fit for your current life circumstances.

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Keep the Shark In Your Tank

Staying Fresh in Growth: Lessons from the Japanese Fishing Industry

October 02, 20244 min read

Staying Fresh in Growth: Lessons from the Japanese Fishing Industry

In life, as in fishing, staying fresh and vibrant requires a relentless pursuit of challenges. The Japanese have always loved fresh fish, but the waters close to Japan haven't held many fish for decades. To feed their population, fishing boats got bigger and ventured farther than ever. However, this solution came with its own set of challenges.

The Story of Japanese Fishing Industry

The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring the fish back. If the return trip took too long, the fish were no longer fresh. To solve this problem, fish companies installed freezers on their boats, allowing them to catch and freeze the fish at sea. While this extended their trips, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen fish, and they didn't like it. Frozen fish brought lower prices, forcing fishing companies to think outside the box.

To solve this issue, they installed fish tanks on their boats. Now, they could catch the fish and keep them alive in the tanks until they returned to shore. However, the fish, after a bit of thrashing around, became tired and dull, losing their "fresh-fish" taste. The fishing industry was on the brink of a crisis.

The Shark in the Tank Solution

The solution? The Japanese fishing companies began placing a small shark in the tank with the fish. The presence of the shark kept the fish active and constantly moving, ensuring they stayed fresh and lively. Some fish didn't survive, but those that did arrived in Japan very much alive and tasting fresh.

This concept of keeping the fish constantly challenged to ensure their freshness can be directly applied to our lives. When we become too comfortable, we become complacent. Just like the frog in the pot of water that doesn't notice the gradually increasing temperature until it's too late, we often don't realize the damage a lack of challenge can cause until we look back and wonder how we got here.

The Key to Growth - Keeping a Shark In the Tank

Applying the "Shark in the Tank" Principle

Living life with a "shark in the tank" keeps us on our toes. That shark can symbolize personal development classes, books, a supportive community, or personal and career goals. These challenges keep us active, motivated, and striving for our next big achievement.

For the past six months, I've been part of masterminds with high-achieving entrepreneurs. They were my shark. They motivated me, encouraged me, advised me, and, most importantly, allowed me to be real, human, and raw. They kept my ideas fresh and my motivation high.

If any part of you believes you can be, do, or have more and you're not achieving it, the issue might be your way of thinking. Perhaps you need a shark in your tank to push you. Consider attending Personal Best Seminars Level 1. You'll become aware of the current ways of thinking that are holding you back from experiencing more of what you want.

The Value of Challenges

Humans are no different from the fish in the tank. L. Ron Hubbard observed in the early 1950s, "Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment." George Bernard Shaw echoed this sentiment, saying, "Satisfaction is death."

If you are steadily conquering challenges, you are happy. Your challenges keep you energized and alive. Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go!


Practical Steps to Stay Fresh

  1. Identify Your Sharks:

  • Personal Development Classes

  • Books and Podcasts

  • Supportive Communities

  • Personal and Career Goals

  1. Set Clear Goals:

  • Define what you want to achieve in the short and long term.

  • Break your goals into manageable tasks.

  1. Seek Feedback:

  • Regularly ask for feedback from mentors, peers, and colleagues.

  • Use this feedback to make continuous improvements.

  1. Stay Curious:

  • Never stop learning. Stay curious about new ideas and opportunities.

  • Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to expand your knowledge and network.

  1. Reflect and Adjust:

  • Take time to reflect on your progress and adjust your strategies as needed.

  • Celebrate your achievements and learn from your challenges.

By adopting the "shark in the tank" mindset, you can stay sharp, fresh, and continuously improve in both your personal and professional life. Don't wait for the environment to put a shark in your tank—choose your shark and thrive!

Ready to adopt the "shark in the tank" approach and stay sharp in your personal and professional life? Discover how Personal Best Seminars Level 1 can help you identify and overcome the mental barriers holding you back. Find out more and sign up today!

Keep moving forward without regrets!

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Join our Free Community Circle - Find Your Happiness in 2024!

Do you want to be part of a community of like minded people who are committed to living their own personal best life? Join us online at our Community Circle every 1st Wednesday of the month where we discuss how each month's pillar helps to unlock the keys to happiness.

Community Circle Format:

  • As a community, we will meet online monthly. This is open to all, whether you have taken a Personal Best Course or not!

  • Each month covers ONE pillar and how it relates to the KEYS to HAPPINESS. Participants have the opportunity to create monthly action steps for themselves at the end of each online meeting.

  • January is Pillar 1, February is Pillar 2, March is Pillar 3….and so on.

Sign up now to receive reminders every month so you never miss a date!



Heather Jones graduated from Personal Best’s complete three level flagship courses in 2007, and immediately, a spark was lit! She proceeded to devote the next 17 years actively pursuing and immersing herself in Personal Development and is now the proud new owner of Personal Best Seminars.

Heather is an everyday example of the happiness, success, and the results anyone can create through Personal Best Seminars programs. Heather is honoured to be taking on this new role.



D. Goodwin

"So uplifting and definitely a game changer!"

I. Marinescu

“This was the best course that I have ever taken. It has made a big impact on me and I have changed my life in a very positive way. I am starting to know and understand myself” 

J. Zombori

“I have read about the principles in this course for years.  This the first course that has helped me take action missing to promote real and lasting change” 

L. Routledge

“Attending Level one, The Truth Revealed would definitely rate up there with some of my best experiences.  I would have to say, with great pleasure and gratitude, that I have received more answers and direction in a much shorter time than ever before.” 

M. Audy

“I've spent over $50,000 on personal development over the last 30 years. Out of all the events, the most impactful and profoundly transformative one was Personal Best Seminars I & II just this past November.

My life hasn't been the same since and I'm so grateful that a friend of mine kept suggesting I go. I'd say that if anyone has an area of their life where they are dissatisfied or struggling in relationships or communication, they should attend these sessions as soon as possible. Can’t wait for Level III”

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