Unleash your True Self at Personal Best Seminars!

Unleash your True Self at Personal Best Seminars!

Personal Best Seminars - Core Program

This is the first step to lasting self transformation and it involves recognizing our current belief system, both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Participants spend 3 evenings plus 2 weekend days, creating AWARENESS of what’s getting in the way for LASTING change.

Now that we have a better understanding of our current state, the next step is to apply ourselves to make the necessary changes.

With the new awareness, participants spend 5 days having an APPLICATION experience in and out of the classroom.

The final step to lasting self transformation is to make the changes a part of your daily life. This involves creating habits that will help maintain new, supportive belief systems.

New habits and thought patterns are put into your everyday life over this 3 month


This is the first step to lasting self transformation and it involves recognizing our current belief system, both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Participants spend 3 evenings plus 2 weekend days, creating AWARENESS of what’s getting in the way for LASTING change in your life.

Now that we have a better understanding of our current state, the next step is to apply ourselves to make the necessary changes.

With the new awareness, participants spend 5 days having an APPLICATION experience in and out of the classroom.

The final step to lasting self transformation is to make the changes a part of your daily life. This involves creating habits that will help maintain new, supportive belief systems.

New habits and thought patterns are put into your everyday life over this 3 month INTEGRATION process.

Awareness + Application + Integration = LASTING CHANGE

Want to Learn More about our Level 1 Program?

Discover the keys to unlocking your true self in our transformation workshop.

Watch our Introductory Series and learn all about Personal Best and our Level 1 Program.

Your facilitator, Heather Jones, will walk you though the process of course and answer all your questions!

OR Join us LIVE online Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 7:00 pm MDT

At Personal Best Seminars, we believe in empowering our clients to make their own choices. Our aim is to show you what our programs are all about so you can decide if it's the right fit for your current life circumstances.

Read Our Latest Blogs

It took seven years to untangle myself from my coworker’s intricate web—years marked by a roller coaster of emotions, veiling an insidious truth with euphoria.

From Flattery to Pain: Navigating Grooming and Betrayal

May 09, 20246 min read

For seven years, I found myself lost within the intricate maze that was my coworker's world. A period marked by an emotional roller coaster that beautifully masked a sinister reality with moments of sheer joy. My role, unbeknownst to me initially, was merely to serve as a partner of convenience, to uphold the illusion of his double life. Our time together was filled with laughter, thrilling motorcycle adventures, and secrets whispered in the dark. Yet, underneath the excitement and charm, lay a calculated intent.

Reflecting on these years, I see now that our relationship sprung from a deeply rooted desire to please—a desire that has followed me since childhood. Whether it was pleasing my family, meeting societal expectations, or bending over backward for my coworker, I was unknowingly sacrificing my identity at the altar of his demands. The thrill of pleasing others, I believed, was my source of happiness. In truth, it was a craving for validation, a craving I refused to acknowledge at a tremendous personal cost. I found comfort in my coworker's flattery and the dreams he spun, even as a part of me sensed unrest, the silent whispers in my mind that something was off.

This coworker embodied contradiction, oscillating between the role of a caring father and that of a man whose attention felt overwhelmingly intense. His praises and interest in the minutiae of my life wove themselves into my everyday, a constant that I didn't realize was grooming me for a relationship defined not by mutual respect, but by manipulation and control.

Discussing such personal experiences teeters on an ethical edge, especially when they involve manipulation, betrayal, and grooming. The signs, subtle yet distinct—an overly long handshake, the closing of space under the guise of wrestling lessons, and swift departures after sparking an emotional inferno—were there. To the external eye, I painted a picture of happiness, becoming adept at hiding my turmoil with smiles to convince both my family and myself that this was the happiness I deserved.

Our relationship catered to his needs, prioritizing his family and past struggles, often at my financial and emotional expense. The realization of being caught in a cycle of people-pleasing that stemmed from my childhood hit me hard, leaving me to wear a mask of joy for the sake of others. It was a disguise so convincing that even I couldn't see through it.

Admitting to my role in this ordeal, while painful, is necessary. Despite the initial ignorance of his double life, the signs were there—his "ex"-wife and children, the parallel lives he led with both of us under his deceitful web, and the lies that started with whispers of secrets meant just for us. There were moments of doubt, encounters with his wife, and confrontations that could have served as wake-up calls, yet I chose to remain oblivious, fueled by my insecurities and his manipulations.

The moment of revelation struck with the force of a thunderbolt—I was pregnant. Suddenly, the situation was no longer just about me but about a new, innocent life reliant on my decisions. For once, the choice had to be selfless, aimed at securing genuine happiness, not the counterfeit contentment provided by my coworker.

Choosing to leave this relationship became my paramount decision upon learning of my pregnancy. The realization that my son deserved a life untainted by deceit and emotional turmoil spurred a strength in me I hadn’t known before.

I was unhappy with the constant disruption of our plans, dealing with his unmanageable expectations and pressure, and being yelled at when I got it wrong. This toxic cycle of emotional volatility and unpredictability chipped away at my self-esteem and sense of worth. Each time I tried to make amends or adjust my actions to meet his demands, it never seemed enough, plunging me deeper into a vortex of trying to please someone who could not be satisfied. The realization that my efforts would never yield the love and respect I yearned for was a painful epiphany, forcing me to confront the reality of my situation and the need for change.

It was no longer a matter of my own happiness or well-being, but that of an innocent child who had no part in the web of lies and manipulation that had ensnared me. I refused to allow my son to grow up in an environment where love was conditional and affection was used as leverage. I wanted him to understand that love is supportive, kind, and nurturing, not something that makes you question your worth or happiness. In making the difficult decision to leave and raise my son on my own, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. It was about finding joy in the small moments, learning to appreciate my own company, and understanding that my happiness is not tethered to someone else's presence or approval. Through this process, I sought to build a life for us filled with genuine contentment and free from the shadows of the past.

Discovering my ex's double life unfolded when our son was five years old. The moment my ex confessed, the words, "yep, that makes sense," slipped out, echoing the turmoil and suspicions that had lingered subconsciously. Silently, in my head, I added, "Thank God I got out."

Discovering my ex's double life unfolded when our son was five years old. The moment my ex confessed, the words, "yep, that makes sense," slipped out, echoing the turmoil and suspicions that had lingered subconsciously. Silently, in my head, I added, "Thank God I got out." This revelation, while shocking, was oddly affirming, reinforcing my decision to leave a situation rife with deception. It underscored the importance of trusting my instincts and validated the difficult choices I had made to protect both my son and myself from further harm.

With this new awareness, I realized that another significant chapter was about to unfold in our lives. My son had siblings he hadn't met, children of "the wife" — the woman I had chosen to disregard, dismissing her warnings as the ravings of a jealous "ex"-spouse, rather than the desperate pleas of a woman caught in the same web of deceit as I was. In my pursuit of happiness and love, I had ignored the signs and the voices of those who were also victims. Now, faced with the reality of our interconnected lives, I understood the necessity of making amends. It was a daunting thought, confronting not only my own misjudgments but also extending a hand in peace and reconciliation to the woman I had been pitted against by the lies we both believed. This was not just about correcting my own past ignorance; it was about forging a new path of understanding, compassion, and healing for the sake of all our children.

Armed with this newfound awareness, the moments ripe for growth and reconciliation began to materialize. Recognizing the interconnectedness of our lives, not just as byproducts of a shared pain but as vessels for mutual healing, opened up a realm of possibilities. This transition from ignorance to empathy, from conflict to conciliation, underscored the incredible potential for transformation.

This narrative is more than my personal catharsis; it serves as a cautionary tale and a source of hope for those navigating the aftermath of toxic relationships. It's a reminder of the importance of awareness and self-reflection, of the need to dismantle harmful notions of love, and of the power in constructing a life where self-worth and genuine affection light the way. May our stories resonate as warnings, lessons, and lighthouses guiding us through the darkness.

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Join our Free Community Circle - Find Your Happiness in 2024!

Do you want to be part of a community of like minded people who are committed to living their own personal best life? Join us online at our Community Circle every 1st Wednesday of the month where we discuss how each month's pillar helps to unlock the keys to happiness.

Community Circle Format:

  • As a community, we will meet online monthly. This is open to all, whether you have taken a Personal Best Course or not!

  • Each month covers ONE pillar and how it relates to the KEYS to HAPPINESS. Participants have the opportunity to create monthly action steps for themselves at the end of each online meeting.

  • January is Pillar 1, February is Pillar 2, March is Pillar 3….and so on.

Sign up now to receive reminders every month so you never miss a date!



Heather Jones graduated from Personal Best’s complete three level flagship courses in 2007, and immediately, a spark was lit! She proceeded to devote the next 17 years actively pursuing and immersing herself in Personal Development and is now the proud new owner of Personal Best Seminars.

Heather is an everyday example of the happiness, success, and the results anyone can create through Personal Best Seminars programs. Heather is honoured to be taking on this new role.



D. Goodwin

"So uplifting and definitely a game changer!"

I. Marinescu

“This was the best course that I have ever taken. It has made a big impact on me and I have changed my life in a very positive way. I am starting to know and understand myself” 

J. Zombori

“I have read about the principles in this course for years.  This the first course that has helped me take action missing to promote real and lasting change” 

L. Routledge

“Attending Level one, The Truth Revealed would definitely rate up there with some of my best experiences.  I would have to say, with great pleasure and gratitude, that I have received more answers and direction in a much shorter time than ever before.” 

M. Audy

“I've spent over $50,000 on personal development over the last 30 years. Out of all the events, the most impactful and profoundly transformative one was Personal Best Seminars I & II just this past November.

My life hasn't been the same since and I'm so grateful that a friend of mine kept suggesting I go. I'd say that if anyone has an area of their life where they are dissatisfied or struggling in relationships or communication, they should attend these sessions as soon as possible. Can’t wait for Level III”

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