Heather Jones

Envision yourself a part of our peer accountability group, known as the Creation Circle, where like-minded individuals come together to heal the past and achieve personal growth goals. Each member contributes a unique perspective, past experiences, and valuable connections while actively working towards their own objectives and supporting fellow peers. Collaboration within the group offers benefits for everyone involved. Heather, our facilitator, provides consistent guidance and a structured framework to help you identify and overcome limiting beliefs that hinder your personal success. Let us guide you towards the success you've been striving for!


Heather's Peer Accountability Group is a professional platform dedicated to personal growth. We provide a comprehensive framework and expert guidance for individuals who are committed to achieving their personal aspirations. Our community fosters growth and supports the realization of dreams through collaborative efforts.

​​Heather Jones embarked on a transformative journey of personal development, leveraging the invaluable lessons she learned to cultivate lasting, fulfilling relationships. Recognizing that she held limiting beliefs about her own self-worth, she took proactive steps to reshape her mindset and create meaningful human connections. By prioritizing her beliefs and engaging in self-discovery programs, books, and practical exercises, Heather successfully aligned her relationships with her desired vision.

Through Heather's profound self-exploration, she discovered a profound passion for guiding and supporting others in their own personal journeys. She obtained training as a facilitator and coach, harnessing her unique ability to allow clients to see undesirable outcomes with their own limiting beliefs that get in their way.

Currently, Heather leads Personal Best Seminars, where she continues to create a positive impact on the world with her expertise and unwavering dedication. Her areas of specialization encompass a wide range of self-improvement and personal success, including:

  • Building positive and cooperative co-parenting relationships

  • Developing self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth

  • Navigating successful blended family dynamics

  • Cultivating thriving and connected marriages

  • Achieving weight release goals

  • Acquiring leadership and team development skills

  • Transitioning from a passive role to becoming a confident leader

  • Enhancing productive communication skills

  • Navigating neurodivergent members in the household

In Heather's Creation Circle, she is committed to providing trusted support and guidance throughout your journey. Count on her to empower you every step of the way, making your experience a resounding success.


Specific agendas have, or will be provided for each group meeting in the Resource section of your manual. The minimum commitment to a Creation Circle is 12 months. It is anticipated that members will continue on for subsequent years to maintain and continuously build on the momentum achieved.

Obviously the groups that run longer will have additional opportunities to incorporate more activities and a deeper understanding of the 12 pillars.

REGULAR PRICE of $197/month

RE-LAUNCH Pricing for 1 year Membership:

1 payment of $997

Or break it up into:

2 payments of $525


12 monthly payments of $97

One Year Membership Includes:

- Monthly Inner Circle Membership

- Monthly Creation Circle Membership

- Free Seat to Level 1 each course. For you or to give away

See What Others Are Saying...

E. Harbison

“Creation Circles provide an invaluable opportunity for individuals of all backgrounds to come together, share their knowledge and experiences, and foster supportive relationships.Through my participation in these circles, I benefited from a sense of belonging, development of my leadership skills, and an ongoing support network. ”

P. Willerton

“The Creation Circle taught me that working with a group of committed and individuals can create lasting value. I developed valuable skills, such as leadership, communication and collaboration, while at the same time forming life-long friendships with other participants. I was most proud, however, when my work in the Circle lead to me being published in a book - a huge accomplishment! Through my participation I have grown as an individual in ways that will benefit me for years to come. It was truly a rewarding experience!”

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