Linsay Doyle

Imagine belonging to a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to conscious personal transformation, where each member is committed to manifesting their dreams, directing their focus, and living their best lives. Everyone in the circle brings their unique perspectives, talents, energy, and connections to the table and all are actively working towards their own personal goals, while supporting all members. This creates a true win-win opportunity for everyone involved. Linsay will provide the structure and support necessary to channel this collective energy into an ongoing process of personal growth, empowering you to transform your life in meaningful ways that align with your deepest desires.


Having experience her own transformative journey personally and professionally, Linsay Doyle through her commitment to her inner evolution has created a foundation that has empowered her to step into heart lead leadership, guiding others on their own transformative path.

​​Linsay's focus is on empowering her clients to create an environment that not only looks beautiful but also supports their highest vibration and allows them to expand into their true potential.

Utilizing powerful tools such as quantum healing, sound healing, and space clearing practices Linsay helps her clients cultivate a deep connection to their authentic self. Through her teachings and practices, she helps others to feel more alive, energized and inspired in body, mind, spirit and home.

Her goal is to help her clients create a life that reflects their deepest inner truth and dreams. By working with the powerful energies of Feng Shui, Linsay helps her clients cultivate a life full of intention, presence and grace.

Whether it is through one-on-one coaching or circles, Linsay has a passion for helping people create a life that is rooted in abundance, joy and purpose. She believes that no matter where we are in our journey, it is always possible to manifest the life of our dreams and she can help you get there. Let Linsay guide and empower you to tap into your own unique genius and help you reclaim your sovereign power.

  • Areas of Self Improvement and Personal Success

  • Feng Shui Practitioner

  • Recreational Therapist

  • Community Support Worker

  • Certified Sound Healer

  • Transitioning from a corporate role to self employed endeavours

  • Mindful Wellness

  • Holistic Living practices

  • From people pleaser to Self- advocate


Specific agendas have, or will be provided for each group meeting in the Resource section of your manual. The minimum commitment to a Creation Circle is 12 months. It is anticipated that members will continue on for subsequent years to maintain and continuously build on the momentum achieved.

Obviously the groups that run longer will have additional opportunities to incorporate more activities and a deeper understanding of the 12 pillars.

REGULAR PRICE of $197/month

Pricing for 1 year Membership:

1 payment of $997

Or break it up into:

2 payments of $525


12 monthly payments of $97

One Year Membership Includes:

- Monthly Inner Circle Membership

- Monthly Creation Circle Membership

- Free Seat to Level 1 each course. For you or to give away

See What Others Are Saying...

E. Harbison

“Creation Circles provide an invaluable opportunity for individuals of all backgrounds to come together, share their knowledge and experiences, and foster supportive relationships.Through my participation in these circles, I benefited from a sense of belonging, development of my leadership skills, and an ongoing support network. ”

P. Willerton

“The Creation Circle taught me that working with a group of committed and individuals can create lasting value. I developed valuable skills, such as leadership, communication and collaboration, while at the same time forming life-long friendships with other participants. I was most proud, however, when my work in the Circle lead to me being published in a book - a huge accomplishment! Through my participation I have grown as an individual in ways that will benefit me for years to come. It was truly a rewarding experience!”

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