Personal Best Seminars


Personal Best Seminars

Community Circle

Feeling Stuck? Maybe you're feeling...

  • Worn out

  • Stressed

  • Overwhelmed

  • Unsupported

  • Lacking sleep

  • Struggling to keep up with life

  • You have to do everything on your own

  • Nobody gets you

You are not alone. We invite you to a community of people in the same position as you and get the answers and support you truly want.

Discover the Power of the Community Circle: Transform Your Life with Ongoing Support and Accountability

What is the Community Circle?

The Community Circle is an innovative, year-long support system designed to help you achieve your goals and intentions. Imagine a blend of an accountability group and a personal development process—this is what the Community Circle offers.

We meet together online the 1st Wednesday of the month and introduce a new Life Pillar. The meeting will step through how this pillar could be showing up in your world, a chance to analyze if it is working or not working, and what changes you may want to implement throughout the month. You set your own goals to success, all the while having the support of others who are doing the same thing.

Why Join the Community Circle?

  • Ongoing Support: Benefit from a continuous support system that keeps you motivated throughout the year.

  • Personal Growth: Break down limiting beliefs and develop new skills through our unique pillars of creation.

  • Community: Enjoy the camaraderie and accountability of working with a group of like-minded individuals.

The 12 Life Pillars

  1. I Embrace Personal Accountability.

  2. I Create More Than I Consume.

  3. I Support Sustainability and Vote Consistently with all my Resources.

  4. I Align My Life Around My Passions and Gifts.

  5. I Live a Life of Abundance, Generosity, and Celebration.

  6. I am the Source and Cause of all my Experiences and Results.

  7. I Accept and Understand my Needs and Get them Met so I can Create from a Clean and Clear Space.

  8. I Am an Active Learner and Teacher.

  9. I Am Grateful for Who I Am and What I Have.

  10. I Have a Spiritual Practice.

  11. I Nurture and Care for My Body.

  12. I Understand and Support Entrepreneurship either as One Myself or Support One I Believe In.

“Community and Creation Circles provide an invaluable opportunity for individuals of all backgrounds to come together, share their knowledge and experiences, and foster supportive relationships. Through my participation in these circles, I benefited from a sense of belonging, development of my leadership skills, and an ongoing support network.”

~ E. Harbison

Benefits of a Community Circle?

  • Focused goal achievement

  • Belonging within a group of like-minded people

  • A safe place to be heard and seen

  • Sense of accomplishment and success

  • Clarity of purpose and mission

  • Decisive decision-making skills

  • Confidently execute tasks

  • Strong and lasting relationships

  • Forgiveness of self and others

  • Creating trusting connections

  • Creating resolution in conflict

  • Sense of pride

  • Celebrating achievements

  • Part of a bigger life purpose and contribution

Whether your goal is personal growth, career advancement, or simply to live a more fulfilling life, the Community Circle can help you get there. The accountability and camaraderie of working with a group make staying motivated much easier!

“The Community and Creation Circle taught me that working with a group of committed individuals can create lasting value. I developed valuable skills, such as leadership, communication, and collaboration, while at the same time forming life-long friendships with other participants. I was most proud, however, when my work in the Circle led to me being published in a book - a huge accomplishment! Through my participation, I have grown as an individual in ways that will benefit me for years to come. It was truly a rewarding experience!”

~ P. Willerton

Register your seat for only $24/month (regularly $47)

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Want to Learn More about our Level 1 Program?

Discover the keys to unlocking your true self in our transformation workshop.

Watch our Introductory Series and learn all about Personal Best and our Level 1 Program.

Your facilitator, Heather Jones, will walk you though the process of course and answer all your questions!

OR Join us LIVE online Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 7:00 pm MDT

At Personal Best Seminars, we believe in empowering our clients to make their own choices. Our aim is to show you what our programs are all about so you can decide if it's the right fit for your current life circumstances.

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